Customised Workplace Induction Handbook & Policies
To save your business time and money we have developed a detailed Employee Workplace Induction Handbook which also includes 20 policies all customised and branded for your business and employees.
Inducting new employees to your organisation enables them to understand and familiarise themselves with your company's working arrangements, more about the organisation, their role and ways of working.
Policies are referred to within an employment contract, however, they should remain as two separate documents as you want to have the ability to change these as the business needs change.
The Policies included are:
Attendance and Absenteeism
Code of Conduct
Drug and Alcohol
Emergency Evacuation
Equal Employment Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination
Flexible Work Arrangements
Grievance Policy/Procedure
Incident and Investigation Policy/Procedure
Internet, Email and Computer Use
Performance and Misconduct
Risk Management Policy/Procedure
Smoke Free
Social Media
Staff Training & Development
WHS General
Workplace Bullying
Mental Health
Sexual Harassment
Filed under
(ex. GST)
Member $550, Non-Member $880