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The notification form is for permitted work with legacy engineered stone (Crystalline Silica) required by Work Safe WA.

From 1 July 2024, a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) must notify the WorkSafe Commissioner of their intention to carry out any work involving the processing of legacy engineered stone in Western Australia before the work begins. This requirement includes when the PCBU directs or allows a worker to carry out the same work.

The PCBU must submit the Notification form for permitted work with legacy engineered stone:

  • before any processing work of legacy engineered stone starts
  • every 12 months from the date of the previous notification if the PCBU intends to continue to work with legacy engineered stone
  • whenever there is a change to information provided in the previous notification.

If the PCBU unknowingly carries out processing work with legacy engineered stone, they must notify the WorkSafe Commissioner as soon as the PCBU becomes aware of the work.

A PCBU does not need to provide notification or re-notification if they stop carrying out processing work with legacy engineered stone.

**  If work with legacy engineered stone will be carried out in multiple states and/or territories, you must submit a notification to each Commonwealth, state and/or territory WHS regulator in relation to the work to be carried out in that jurisdiction. Refer to the relevant WHS regulator to ensure you are using the correct notification form.

Filed under

  • WHS
  • Crystalline Silica


(ex. GST)

Member $0, Non-Member $0