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Safework WHS duties in a contractual chain Fact Sheet

This Fact Sheet is for persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) who are working as part of a contractual chain.

It provides guidance on duties under the model work health and safety (WHS) laws and examples of how contractual relationships fit within the model WHS framework.  This includes individual contractors and self-employed persons, who may be both a PCBE and a worker in a contractual chain.

A contractual chain refers to the situation where, in relation to the same project or work matter, there are multiple contractors and subcontractors. There can be several levels in a contractual chain. For example, a client may engage a head contractor to deliver a logistics project. The head contractor may engage contractors to undertake parts of the project, and these contractors may engage subcontractors to carry out particular activities that the contractor is to deliver.

Filed under

  • WHS
  • WHS Resources


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