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The notification form is for permitted work with legacy engineered stone (Crystalline Silica) required by Work Safe Tasmania.

 Legacy engineered stone includes any engineered stone benchtop, panel, or slab that is already installed and, for the purposes of disposal, includes engineered stone stocks that were not installed prior to the prohibition.

This form must be completed by a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) and sent to WorkSafe Tasmania before carrying out, or directing or allowing a worker to carry out, any work that involves processing of legacy engineered stone.

 For ongoing work with legacy engineered stone, this form must be submitted to WorkSafe Tasmania every 12 months from the date of the previous notification, or earlier if there is a change to the information previously provided.

**  If work with legacy engineered stone will be carried out in multiple states and/or territories, you must submit a notification to each Commonwealth, state and/or territory WHS regulator in relation to the work to be carried out in that jurisdiction. Refer to the relevant WHS regulator to ensure you are using the correct notification form.

Filed under

  • WHS
  • Crystalline Silica


(ex. GST)

Member $0, Non-Member $0